I'd like to thank Nikki for allowing me to appear and do some guest writing in her website. Nikki you are super awesome. Many thanks. As a lover of Poetry and being a Poet (read some here) I have a real love for creativity, and creating something special when capturing a special moment. A poem can do this, just like a great photograph. If you check these amazing photographs by Nikki, you will see that she can really capture very wonderful and sacred moments. They become immortalized and preserved forever. poems do this with words. Photos can pain a thousand words. They beat poetry hands down.

In the hands of a great photographer like Nikki, a photograph can become more than just the moment. It can also transform the moment and even transcend it. In Hub Pages where poets and writers like Nikki and I and others publish poetry for all to read, we often like adding photographs to our hubs. Many poets and writers have to look somewhere where photos can be found in order to use them, and help enhance a Hub or poem, or use great photographs for a myriad of other uses. I strongly recommend you consider Nikki for really great Photo work and wonderful images. She has a truly wonderful collection. And it is growing all the time.

Nikki is greater than the sum of her parts, as she is also a wonderful writer, and you can check out her great writing here too. I am always happy to support and help a great friend.

Cathy Nerujen (writes on Hub Pages under the name Astra Nomik).
Lets take a walk down memory lane...
What if we could go back to any memory and relive it. or change it? What if you were still with that past love of yours? or you got with that guy you never had. How would our lives have been, how would our lives be now? would we still be with them? would we be happy, or sad? would we be in a better place or a worse place? They say everything happens for a reason, but what if there was no reason? what if things were just random and coincidence all the time. Would we still be where we are now, if things had happened differently, if there was no reason? What if we met God? or found out there isn't one? Then how would we explain things, hell, I'm no scientist, and even if I was, I think I would believe in God even more. There's just too much unknown out there. Too much mystery, and unexplainable things, miraculous things, to not believe, and to not have reason. What if we died tomorrow, what would you have contributed to the world? what will you be leaving behind except for memories? Will you have done anything worth dying for, worth living for? What if there was no Heaven, and our souls just remained stuck inside our lifeless bodies? (movie: Afterlife. Watch it.) What if we went to Hell? What if we never really die and we just keep living the same old tired lives over and over again? What if we could pull things out of our dreams, what if we could feel them, taste them, smell them? What if everything now was a dream, and when we sleep, that was our reality? What if we slept at day instead of night? How different the world would seem. What if we could read minds, what if we knew...everything? What if everyone was perfect? How dull that would be. No room for mistakes, no room for different. well, I'm thankful for different, what if everyone else was too? how much better the world would be. There's so many questions, not enough answers. so little time. Though time is never ending, we are short-lived. Time will continue once we are gone, but the time for us will be at an end. well what if it never did?
Just watched Dirty Dancing and now Grease is on. I know like every song and every line they say lol I have watched this movie too many times. but i love it. and I love to sing along. I love the classics. Grease 2 was good too. I love Michelle Phifher. even if I did spell her last name wrong. lol I love that movie Dangerous Minds I believe its called too, where shes a teacher to a really bad class. Those are some of my fave oldies. What movies do your remember and love?




I have a weebly account! Yay! Thanks so much to my friends from hubpages.com, Cathy and Cassy (A.K.A. astra nomik and Cheeky girl) who introduced me to this site and encouraged me to make an account, I now have my own website. Now, what do I do with it?? Any suggestions? I know no one will probably see this, but if you do feel free to leave me some ideas, a comment, anything. It would be much appreciated. :)
    "Hopeless Romantic" I travel alone, a hopeless romantic. Only I live on hope, I breathe it. Its only hopeless, to keep hoping, to keep dreaming. But I'd rather dream, than face the harsh reality. Even the sun has its flaws, you get too close, you get burned. Even the moon, the stars, for they fade away behind the sky all too soon. The world is cruel, behind smiling faces, and dancing daffodils. Because they throw you away, once they've had their fill. So I travel on, walk away, from everything I love, just to make you happy.


    February 2012
    June 2011

