Just watched Dirty Dancing and now Grease is on. I know like every song and every line they say lol I have watched this movie too many times. but i love it. and I love to sing along. I love the classics. Grease 2 was good too. I love Michelle Phifher. even if I did spell her last name wrong. lol I love that movie Dangerous Minds I believe its called too, where shes a teacher to a really bad class. Those are some of my fave oldies. What movies do your remember and love?
6/22/2011 05:46:25 pm

Not exactly guy movies but I like those two too...hah..

Movies I like: hmmmm, young frankenstein, blazing saddles, monte python and the holy grail...I guess I like silly...go figure...ha ha ha

6/22/2011 07:43:49 pm

Oh Nikki, I love the site, and the amazing photos. This is so awesome and your work is really colorful and cool. And Akira is sexy, LOL. I am loving these photos. You need to have your own studio, honey. You are very talented. I will reply to you today. Thank you.

Amazed Cathy. XO

6/23/2011 12:47:49 am

Haha no they are more chick flicks, but they are awesome. Those are cool movies too i guess, i dont think i have seen any of those lol

Cathy! Hi! So glad to see you here. You really like the site? thats wonderful. I wasnt sure if i would get any views but apparently I got 53 so far lol i made like a penny on google adsense haha. I have to learn more about the trade before I can own a studio, and need a lot more money, but that is a dream I would love to make come true. Thank you so much. I shall be waiting for your reply. Mwah!

5/30/2012 11:12:56 am

you happen to be right on all that publish


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    "Hopeless Romantic" I travel alone, a hopeless romantic. Only I live on hope, I breathe it. Its only hopeless, to keep hoping, to keep dreaming. But I'd rather dream, than face the harsh reality. Even the sun has its flaws, you get too close, you get burned. Even the moon, the stars, for they fade away behind the sky all too soon. The world is cruel, behind smiling faces, and dancing daffodils. Because they throw you away, once they've had their fill. So I travel on, walk away, from everything I love, just to make you happy.


    February 2012
    June 2011

