Why do we want what we cant have?
The untangible.
And why are the good ones already taken?
The forbidden.
Well what am I?
Just stuck in the middle
between a rock and a hard place,
Between a stone and a beautiful face,
A beautiful body,
A beautiful mind.
And every word you say
seems to stop time,
or at least my heart.

Why am I alone?
The unwanted.
Why do I with so much love get turned away?
The unrequited.
And who are you,
that you reject me?
Just a beautiful face,
A beautiful soul,
but an ugly way of thinking.
You never even took the time
to really get to know me.

A beautiful girl.
A beautiful smile.
A beautiful heart,
that keeps beating.
Beautiful on the inside,
but broken and fallen apart.
Damaged, diseased.
A frightful work of art.
But theres beauty in disaster,
after the storm.

My every flaw,
exquisite, unique,
an imperfect form.
You cant begin to know me.
I cant begin to know you.
A beautiful tragedy
waiting to dawn.

"Such Beauty is a Tragedy"

The Journey Long and Hard On our quest for meaning(love),
we may sometimes falter.
As long as we never give up,
we shall not fail.
If something is worth having,
then its worth waiting for.
But things dont always go as planned.
When something good happens,
so does something bad.
I guess there's a sense of balance,

You're like the rose,
that withers
and fades away.
A fallen petal.
A big mistake.
Beauty lies in disaster,
and you are a tragedy.
With tragedy
lies the beautiful,
such a pitiful breed.
So pathetic.
So shallow.
Fallen angels
wished "God speed."

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave
and now the rose
all covered in blood.
This is the damage
that you have done.
A parasite.
A plague.
A sorry excuse for a human being.
Oh, how the beautiful
can be so ugly.

2/16/2012 06:53:00 am

Nikki, your poems here are wonderful. You are truly talented. Poetry and Writing and Photography are a terrific combination for someone as creative as you. :)


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    "Hopeless Romantic" I travel alone, a hopeless romantic. Only I live on hope, I breathe it. Its only hopeless, to keep hoping, to keep dreaming. But I'd rather dream, than face the harsh reality. Even the sun has its flaws, you get too close, you get burned. Even the moon, the stars, for they fade away behind the sky all too soon. The world is cruel, behind smiling faces, and dancing daffodils. Because they throw you away, once they've had their fill. So I travel on, walk away, from everything I love, just to make you happy.


    February 2012
    June 2011

